On Apr 13, 2:11 pm, Michel Bouwmans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Using this nice class (adapted to urllib2) as a basehandler I see that no
> Authentication-header is being send 
> out:http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/440574
> What am I doing wrong here? I spend almost my entire free time today on this
> and couldn't find any problem with my code, anyone else has a thought?
> Thanks in advance.

I've attempted to use a password manager and auth manager and failed
in the past, so this is only a guess, but presumably, between the
realm and uri that you are providing to the password manager, it isn't
providing a password for the page you want to load. I've had success
just explicitly setting the authorization header, using the method
discussed in the comments on this page:



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