Say I have multiple text files in a single directory, for illustration
they are called "spam.txt" and "eggs.txt". All of these text files are
organized in exactly the same way. I have written a program that parses
each file one at a time. In other words, I need to run my program each
time I want to process one of these files.

However, because I have hundreds of these files I would like to be able
to process them all in one fell swoop. The current program is something
like this:
new_file = open('filename.txt', 'w')
params = open('eggs.txt', 'r')
        do all the python stuff here

If these files followed a naming convention such as 1.txt and 2.txt I
can easily see how these could be parsed consecutively in a loop.
However, they are not and so is it possible to modify this code such
that I can tell python to parse all .txt files in a certain directory
and then to save them as separate files? For instance, using the example
above, python would parse both spam.txt and eggs.txt and then save 2
different files, say as spam_parsed.txt and eggs_parsed.txt.



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