Sverker Nilsson wrote:
> do i dare to open  a thread about this?
> come on you braver men
> we are at least not bought by g***le
> but why? others have said it so many times i think
> :-////
> but why? a few syntactic 'cleanups' for the cost of a huge rewrite of
> all the code that have been builtup from all the beginning when the
> once great Python came along and people began to use it and write code
> for it. Like all that code would have to be rewritten. blaah.
> and i have perhaps been drinking but i have been p**d all week since i
> began look into this:-(

Perhaps you should sober up and look at the reality of Python 3, which 
has deliberately avoided a complete rewrite.

Steve Holden        +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC    


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