On 13 Apr, 19:19, Bryan Oakley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > mapq = PhotoImage(file = 'C:\Users\saftarn\Desktop\elmapovic.gif')
> > w.create_image(10, 10, image = mapq, anchor = NW)
> > after doing this is there any possibility of getting the
> > characteristics of the GIF-picture(or bitmap if i use that)?
> > it would be very helpfull if i for example could do something like
> > canvas.getcolor(image, mouseclick.x,mouseclick.y) if u get the point.
> > get the color of the image where i clicked.
> The image isn't "painted" on the canvas, so to answer your specific
> question, no, you can't get the color of a pixel on the canvas in the
> way that you ask.
> However, when you click on the canvas you can get the item that was
> clicked on and the x/y of the click. From that you can figure out which
> pixel of the image is under the cursor. And from that you can query the
> image for the color of a specific pixel.

how do i get the item?

with any of those methods?

when i click the mouse i can get event.object u mean?

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