Berco Beute wrote:

> On Apr 16, 12:19 pm, "Diez B. Roggisch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Maybe if you are now using windows, there are better options - but I'm a
>> *nix-boy :)
>> Diez
> So am I :), but the application I'm writing has to run on *that other
> operating system from the 90's*.
> I'm trying hard not to implement the application in C#/.Net, but I'm
> running out of open source alternatives. VideoCapture *almost* worked
> and now I'm stranded at the gstreamer road as well...

How's that saying? "If your in Rom, do as the Romans do". Don't fight
Windows. And take IronPython to mitigate the pain of using it :)


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