On 17 avr, 14:43, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On 17 Apr, 04:22, tgiles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi, All!
> > I started back programming Python again after a hiatus of several
> > years and run into a sticky problem that I can't seem to fix,
> > regardless of how hard I try- it it starts with tailing a log file.
> > Basically, I'm trying to tail a log file and send the contents
> > elsewhere in the script (here, I call it processor()). My first
> > iteration below works perfectly fine- as long as the log file itself
> > (logfile.log) keeps getting written to.
> > I have a shell script constantly writes to the logfile.log... If I
> > happen to kill it off and restart it (overwriting the log file with
> > more entries) then the python script will stop sending anything at all
> > out.
> > import time, os
> > def processor(message,address):
> >         #do something clever here
> > #Set the filename and open the file
> > filename = 'logfile.log'
> > file = open(filename,'r')
> > #Find the size of the file and move to the end
> > st_results = os.stat(filename)
> > st_size = st_results[6]
> > file.seek(st_size)
> > while 1:
> >     where = file.tell()
> >     line = file.readline()
> >     if not line:
> >         time.sleep(1)
> >         file.seek(where)
> >     else:
> >         print line, # already has newline
> >         data = line
> >         if not data:
> >             break
> >         else:
> >                 processor(data,addr)
> >                 print "Sending message '",data,"'....."
> > someotherstuffhere()
> > ===
> > This is perfectly normal behavior since the same thing happens when I
> > do a tail -f on the log file. However, I was hoping to build in a bit
> > of cleverness in the python script- that it would note that there was
> > a change in the log file and could compensate for it.
> > So, I wrote up a new script that opens the file to begin with,
> > attempts to do a quick file measurement of the file (to see if it's
> > suddenly stuck) and then reopen the log file if there's something
> > dodgy going on.
> > However, it's not quite working the way that I really intended it to.
> > It will either start reading the file from the beginning (instead of
> > tailing from the end) or just sit there confuzzled until I kill it
> > off.
> > ===
> > import time, os
> > filename = logfile.log
> > def processor(message):
> >     # do something clever here
> > def checkfile(filename):
> >     file = open(filename,'r')
> >     print "checking file, first pass"
> >     pass1 = os.stat(filename)
> >     pass1_size = pass1[6]
> >     time.sleep(5)
> >     print "file check, 2nd pass"
> >     pass2 = os.stat(filename)
> >     pass2_size = pass2[6]
> >     if pass1_size == pass2_size:
> >         print "reopening file"
> >         file.close()
> >         file = open(filename,'r')
> >     else:
> >         print "file is OK"
> >         pass
> > while 1:
> >         checkfile(filename)
> >     where = file.tell()
> >     line = file.readline()
> >     print "reading file", where
> >     if not line:
> >         print "sleeping here"
> >         time.sleep(5)
> >         print "seeking file here"
> >         file.seek(where)
> >     else:
> >         # print line, # already has newline
> >         data = line
> >         print "readying line"
> >         if not data:
> >             print "no data, breaking here"
> >             break
> >         else:
> >             print "sending line"
> >             processor(data)
> > So, have any thoughts on how to keep a Python script from bugging out
> > after a tailed file has been refreshed? I'd love to hear any thoughts
> > you my have on the matter, even if it's of the 'that's the way things
> > work' variety.
> > Cheers, and thanks in advance for any ideas on how to get around the
> > issue.
> > tom
> Possibly, restarting the program that writes the log file creates a
> new file rather than
> appending to the old one??

It seems at least the op should definitely reopen the file:

# create a file
In [322]: f1 = open("test.txt", 'w')
In [323]: f1.write("test\n")
In [324]: f1.close()

# check content of file
In [325]: f_test1 = open("test.txt")
In [326]: f_test1.readline()
Out[326]: 'test\n'
# check twice, we never know
In [327]: f_test1.seek(0)
In [328]: f_test1.readline()
Out[328]: 'test\n'

# rewrite over the same file
In [329]: f1 = open("test.txt", 'w')
In [330]: f1.write("new test\n")
In [331]: f1.close()

# check if ok
In [332]: f_test2 = open("test.txt")
In [333]: f_test2.readline()
Out[333]: 'new test\n'

# first file object has not seen the change
In [334]: f_test1.seek(0)
In [335]: f_test1.readline()
Out[335]: 'test\n'

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