On Apr 17, 10:10 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Thank you Martin and John, for you excellent explanations.
> I think I understand the unicode basic principles, what confuses me is the 
> usage different applications make out of it.
> For example, I got that EN DASH out of a web page which states <?xml 
> version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> at the beggining. That's why I did go 
> for that encoding. But if the browser can properly decode that character 
> using that encoding, how come other applications can't?
> I might need to go for python's htmllib to avoid this, not sure. But if I 
> don't, if I only want to just copy and paste some web pages text contents 
> into a tkinter Text widget, what should I do to succesfully make every single 
> character go all the way from the widget and out of tkinter into a python 
> string variable? How did my browser knew it should render an EN DASH instead 
> of a circumflexed lowercase u?
> This is the webpage in case you are interested, 4th line of first paragraph, 
> there is the EN 
> DASH:http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elmundo/subnotas/102453-32303-2008-...
> Thanks a lot.

Simplemente escribe en ingles. Like this, see? No encodings mess.

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