On Apr 17, 12:27 pm, Michael Torrie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What's the big deal?

The big deal is that I would love to see Django
become the standard platform for web development,
for example.  That will be much less likely if
60% of the contributed tools for Django don't work
for Python 3000 and 20% don't work for Python 2.6.
Expecting volunteer contributors
to support both is not realistic.  It's hard enough
to support one adequately.  Even if you could hope
to support both with the same code, just testing in
both environments would be onerous.

It would be another matter entirely if py3k offered
major new functionality like full stackless microthreads
but it doesn't (afaik -- correct me please).
>From my perspective it's just a pain in the @$$.
By the way, full stackless microthreads don't seem
to require breaking most (or any) existing code.

I really like developing in Python -- but it's hard
to keep doing it when the growth curve is so slow
and a so many people have deep reservations about it,
inspired in part, justifiably, by nonsense like this.
In fact, I basically stopped.  Then I came back. Now
I'm wondering if it was such a good idea...

   -- Aaron Watters


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