I'm sitting here (briefly!) with a Windows machine trying to build a distributable for my app. I'm using py2exe and Inno Setup. (This is Apple-framework Python 2.3, wxPython Everything works! Except . . .

My app has a data file, scandictionary.txt, that it needs to load when it starts up. On Mac it gets stuffed into the app bundle so it's hidden and there's no problem finding it. On Windows (XP), Inno Setup is putting it where I expected it to be, in the {app} directory along with my app's .exe and the various .dlls etc that Python needs. But my app isn't finding it. Here's the code I use for that:

TEXTDICTIONARY = 'scandictionary.txt'
. . .
                f = open(TEXTDICT, 'rU')
        except IOError:                 # dict file has gone astray
                wildcard = "All files (*.*) | *.*"
                dlg = wx.FileDialog(None, message="Locate the scandictionary 
                                        defaultDir=os.getcwd(), defaultFile="", 
                                        style=wx.OPEN | wx.CHANGE_DIR)
                if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
                        f = open(dlg.GetPath())

When it doesn't find the file by itself (why not??), it starts looking down in some godawful place in Common or something, which is likely to baffle a user. (It baffles me, though yes I *can* navigate to the right place.)

This is pretty much the same code I use when the user selects "Load text file," and the app goes straight to the right directory (its own directory), where it finds a sample text file I supply. Is os.getcwd() working differently in the two cases?

Help help, I'm confused. Any help much appreciated.

Charles Hartman Professor of English, Poet in Residence http://cherry.conncoll.edu/cohar http://villex.blogspot.com


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