On Apr 18, 11:36 am, Tim Golden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Krishna wrote:
> > I was trying to delete rows in an existing .xls file using python. How
> > do I do that? I was using the following code, it seem to work if I
> > type in python window, but if I save it in text editor and drage and
> > drop the .py file, it doesnt work. What am I doing wrong here?  Thanks
> > for your help!
> > import win32com.client
> > from time import sleep
> > excel = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application")
> > def Extract():
> >    excel.Visible = 0
> >    workbook=excel.Workbooks.Open('C:\Trial.xls')
> >    i=1
> >    for n in range(1,10):
> >            excel.Rows(i).Select
> >            excel.Selection.Delete
> >            excel.Selection.Delete
> >            i=i+2
> >            workbook.Save()
> >            print "saved"
> >    excel.Quit()
> Several points worthy of note:
> 1) When you're dealing with Windows filenames, either make
> the strings raw -- Open (r"c:\trial.txt") -- or use the other
> slashes =-- Open ("c:/trial.xls").
> 2) You're not actually calling the Select and Delete
> methods, merely referencing them. Try .Delete () etc.
> 3) You're saving the workbook every time round the loop,
> but perhaps you knew that. Might prompt you everytime
> as you're overwriting, but again, maybe you knew...
> TJG- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Cool, That worked! Thanks for your help TJG!

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