The following short Python program parses a KML file and displays the 
names of all Marks and Routes:

from elementtree.ElementTree import ElementTree
tree = ElementTree(file='test.kml')
kml = tree.getroot()
ns = ''
for folder in kml.findall("{%s}Folder/{%s}Folder/{%s}name" % (ns, ns, ns)):
    print folder.text

I want to modify the program to ignore Marks, and print out the 
coordinates of each Route.  Seems ElementTree v1.3 will make this task 
much easier, but unfortunately the CheeseShop and the Gentoo Portage 
repostitory only have v1.2.7 at this time.  The following code is as 
close as I can get to what I want, but it doesn't run because I've 
attempted to use v1.3 syntax, ended up writing complete crap instead, 
and I can't understand the docs well enough for the v1.2.7 syntax.  
Perhaps someone can understand what I mean and give me a clue as to how 
to write this?

from elementtree.ElementTree import ElementTree

tree = ElementTree(file='test.kml')
kml = tree.getroot()
ns = ''
for folders in kml.findall("{%s}Folder/{%s}Folder" % (ns, ns)):
        if folders["name"].text=='Routes':
            print folder.findall("{%s}LineString/{%s}coordinates" % (ns, 



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