On Apr 22, 5:25 am, azrael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hy guys,
> A friend of mine i a proud PERL developer which always keeps making
> jokes on python's cost.
> Please give me any arguments to cut him down about his commnets
> like :"keep programing i python. maybe, one day, you will be able to
> program in VisualBasic"
> This hurts. Please give me informations about realy famous
> aplications.

Those would be insulting statements, but only if he wouldn't be a Perl
programmer. Everyone knows Perl's best days are long gone. Perl is not
a competent language anymore. I bet your friend is a system
administrator or something like that, because the only use for Perl is
writing quick-and-dirty scripts, and that's something that sysadmins
do the whole day.

Anyway, seeing that nobody has posted on the "big applications"
matter, here are some examples: Zope ( http://www.zope.org ), Medusa
( http://www.nightmare.com/medusa ), Grail ( http://grail.sourceforge.net

On the "Python vs. Perl" matter, well, just search "Python Perl" on
Google or some other search engine, you'll literally find nothing but
pages talking about how Python is better than Perl.

On the other hand, I do admit that there's no other language better
than Perl to write a 3-10 line long program. In those cases, the Perl
version will not only be smaller than the C version, but even smaller
than the Python version. This is mostly due to Perls default variables
and "magic" events (like reading a line of a file directly into $_
when you're doing while (<FILE>) {...}, or automatically converting
between integer/string or scalar/list depending on the operators and
context ).

But a competent developer won't be writing such small scripts, unless,
as I said, you're a sysadmin or something like that. Otherwise,
there's no reason to use something as ugly and unconventional as Perl.

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