I think that there are two things that you need to wrap your head
around before understanding what is happening here.  First, threads are
NOT pre-emptive.  Unless your thread gives up the processor it will run
forever.  The sleep call is one way to give up the processor.

That is not correct, at least not on usual OSes. The posix-threads as well as windows threads *are* preemptive.

Second, sleep() does not return as soon as the time given has expired.
The argument is the MINIMUM amount of time that it waits.  After that
the thread that slept is put back onto the run queue and is now a
candidate to be given the processor.  Your other thread still has to
give up the processor before it can run again and even then there may
be other threads on the queue ahead of yours.

So, does your thread ever give up the processor other than by dying?

It shouldn't need to. It will be rescheduled.

The code looks ok to me - the problem seems to be in the R-Python as Gabriel pointed out.


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