barbaros wrote:
Hello everybody,

I am building a code for surface meshes (triangulations for instance).
I need to implement Body objects (bodies can be points, segments,
triangles and so on), then a Mesh will be a collection of bodies,
together with their neighbourhood relations.
I also need OrientedBody objects, which consist in a body
together with a plus or minus sign to describe its orientation.
So, basically an OrientedBody is just a Body with an
integer label stuck on it.

I implemented it in a very crude manner:
class Body:
class OrientedBody:
  def __init__ (self,b,orient=1):
    # b is an already existing body
    assert isinstance(b,Body)
    self.base = b
    self.orientation = orient

class Body(object) :

class OrientedBody (Body):
   def __init__(self, orientation = 1) :
        self.orientation = orientation

as noted

But, also.

as a rule of thumb .. if you are using "isinstance" in a class to determine what class a parameter is ... you have broken the OO contract. Remember, every class ought to have a well defined internal state and a well defined interface to its state.

If I write --

class foo (object):
   def __init__ :

   def some_func (self, val) :
      if isinstance (val, "bar") :

Then I am either doing something very wrong or very clever (either can get me in trouble)

In Python it is preferred that I write two functions some_func_a and some_func_b


    def some_func_a (self, val = None, class = bar) :
        assert(isinstance (class, "bar"), True)

    def some_func_b (self, val = None, class = baz) :
        assert (isinstance (class, "baz"), True)

C++ and Java try to enforce the OO contract by making data and methods private, protected or public. Which helps -- but leads to some confusion (what is protected inheritance in C++????) Python exposes all of its classes internals to everyone -- but that doesn't mean you should touch them!!

As Larry Wall once wrote, "There is a difference between, 'do not enter my living room because I asked you not to' and 'do not enter my living room because I have a shotgun'"

Python adopts the 'do not touch my private parts because I asked you not to' idiom. (In C++, only friends can touch your privates ... ;-)

So -- be mindful that checking the class of well defined parameters at anytime is breaking the contract -- you may need to do it -- but it is more likely that you aren't adhering to good OOD.

Does that make any sense?

Seriously -- I have not had any coffee yet and I am still new at Python.

-- Andrew

My question is: can it be done using inheritance ?
I recall that I need three distinct objects:
the basic (non-oriented) body, the same body with positive
orientation and the same body with negative orientation.

Thank you. Cristian Barbarosie

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