> Py2.5 is already going to include any() and all() as builtins.  The
> does not include a function, identity or otherwise.  Instead, the caller
> write a listcomp or genexp that evaluates to True or False:
>     any(x >= 42 for x in data)
> If you wanted an identify function, that simplifies to just:
>     any(data)

Oh great, I just saw that.  I was referring to this, which didn't get much


but it looks like it went much further, to builtins!  I'm surprised.

But I wish it could be included in Python 2.4.x.  I really hope it won't
have any bugs in it.  :)  At my job we are probably going to upgrade to 2.4,
and that takes a long time, so it'll probably be a year or 18 months after
that happens (which itself might be months from now) that we would consider
upgrading again.  Oh well...


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