> So I have established a connection to an nntp server and I am
> retrieving articles to other articles on the server such as
> news://newsclip.ap.org/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Now I am wondering how I query for that article based off of the url?
> I assume D8L4MFAG0 is an id of some sort but when I try and retrieve
> that article via myNntpObject.article('D8L4MFAG0') I get an error of
> 423 Bad article number. Which makes sense as all the other article
> numbers are integers.

You should study a little bit NNTP RFCs ;-)
Anyway [EMAIL PROTECTED] could be the Message-ID of the article, a 'unique'
identifier associated to each article, while the Article Number is unique on
the server (but it changes on different servers).

the nntplib NNTP.article command can accept either Message-ID or Number as
argument, but if you want to use Message-ID you need to enclose it in brackets 

So in your case this query should work:

myNntpObject.article('<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>')

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