blaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I'm trying to write a string matching algorithm for genomic
>  sequences.  I'm pulling out Genes from a large genomic pattern, with
>  certain start and stop codons on either side.  This is simple
>  enough... for example:
>  start = AUG stop=AGG
>  So I obviously want to pull out AUGWWWWWWAGG (and all other matches).
>  This works great with my current regular expression.
>  The problem, however, is that codons come in sets of 3 bases.  So
>  there are actually three different 'frames' I could be using.  For
>  example:
>  I could have ABC DEF GHI or BCD EFG HIJ or CDE FGH IJx.... etc.
>  So finally, my question.  How can I represent this in a regular
>  expression? :)  This is what I'd like to do:
>  (Find all groups of any three characters) (Find a start codon) (find
>  any other codons) (Find an end codon)
>  Is this possible? It seems that I'd want to do something like this: (\w
>  \w\w)+(AUG)(\s)(AGG)(\s)* - where \w\w\w matches EXACTLY all sets of
>  three non-whitespace characters, followed by AUG \s AGG, and then
>  anything else.

I'm not sure what the \s are doing in there - there doesn't appear to
be any whitespace in your examples.

>  I hope I am making sense.  Obviously, however, this will make sure
>  that ANY set of three characters exist before a start codon.  Is
>  there a way to match exactly, to say something like 'Find all sets
>  of three, then AUG and AGG, etc.'.

I think you want


which will match up 0 or more triples, match AUG match 0 or more triples
then AGG.  The ? makes it a minimum match otherwise you'll match more
than you expect if there are two AUG...AGG sequences in a given genome.

  >>> import re
  >>> m=re.compile(r"^(\w\w\w)*(AUG)((\w\w\w)*?)(AGG)")
  ('BBB', 'AUG', 'WWWWWW', 'WWW', 'AGG')
  <_sre.SRE_Match object at 0xb7de33e0>
  ('BQB', 'AUG', 'WWWWWW', 'WWW', 'AGG')
  <_sre.SRE_Match object at 0xb7de33e0>
  ('BQB', 'AUG', 'WWQWAWQWW', 'QWW', 'AGG')

>  This way, I could scan for genes, remove the first letter, scan for
>  more genes, remove the first letter again, and scan for more genes.
>  This would hypothetically yield different genes, since the frame
>  would be shifted.

Of you could just unconstrain the first match and it will do them all
at once :-


You could run this with re.findall, but beware that this will only
return non-overlapping matches which may not be what you want.

I'm not sure re's are the best tool for the job, but they should give
you a quick idea of what the answers might be.

Nick Craig-Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --

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