"Zed A. Shaw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Just putting out an announcement that I've released a new version of
> Vellum numbered 0.16.

When announcing new versions of Foo software, please always include
(near the top) a "What is Foo?" or "About Foo" section, so that people
know what you're talking about and why it's relevant for the forum.

> GPLv3?
> How do people feel about Vellum's GPLv3 status?

The GPLv3 is not without problems, but it's a decent copyleft license.
I'm happy to see more software under the GPLv3 rather than licenses
less rigorous about ensuring the software remains free, so thankyou.

 \                   “A free press is one where it’s okay to state the |
  `\           conclusion you’re led to by the evidence.” —Bill Moyers |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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