On Fri, 02 May 2008 19:23:54 +0100, Arnaud Delobelle wrote:

> Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> There are no modern processors with an opcode for incrementing a memory
>> location!?  At least my C64 can do that.  ;-)
> Indeed!  I remember a simple use was to make the border change colour
> very fast, a v. cool effect when you're 12!
>         CLV
> LOOP:   INC $D020
>         BVC LOOP
> (from memory, untested!)

That works but I think

LOOP:   INC $D020
        JMP LOOP

is a bit more straight forward.  Shorter in opcodes, equal in bytes, the
loop is as fast but you save the two cycles of the CLV.  :-)

        Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

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