I'm somewhat new to Python... and programming in general.  I know enough to be 
dangerous for sure. I have a feeling the solution to this is simple.  I'm 
having trouble getting 'self' to initialize or work in a class application. I 
keep getting the message:
      LogFile = self.BasicSummary ( )
NameError: name 'self' is not defined
  Code looks like this:
  from data_decode import *
  class DataAnalysis:
        def PainInTheArse ( self , i , InvI ):
                """This is a filter I made to overcome
                some problems I was having with sine wave
                TemporaryData = [ ]
                for a in range ( int ( InvI [ i ] ) , len ( InvI ) ):
                        if a < 0:
                                a = 0
                        b = a + 1
                                TemporaryData.append ( InvI [ a + i ] )
                                if ( InvI [ b + i ] < 0 and InvI [ b + i + 1 ] 
> 0 ):
                                        TemporaryData.append ( InvI [ a + i + 1 
] )
                        except IndexError:
                return TemporaryData
          def GetTheInvIData ( self , InvI ):
                  """"Function determines zero-crossing, and then
                calculates the +/- peaks to get an average """
                CurrentMaxList = [ ]
                CurrentMinList = [ ]
                for i in range ( 0 , len ( InvI ) ):
                                if ( InvI [ i ] <= 0 and InvI [ i + 1 ] > 0 ):
                                        TemporaryData = self. PainInTheArse ( i 
, InvI )
                                        BetterData = self.FilterTheBS ( 
TemporaryData )
                                        CurrentMaxList.append ( max ( 
BetterData ) )
                                        CurrentMinList.append ( min ( 
BetterData ) )
                        except IndexError:                        
                  MeanCurrentMax = sum ( CurrentMaxList ) / len ( 
CurrentMaxList )
                MeanCurrentMin = sum ( CurrentMinList ) / len ( CurrentMinList )
                InvIPeakToPeak = MeanCurrentMax - MeanCurrentMin
                EstPeak = InvIPeakToPeak / 2
                return EstPeak
          def FilterTheBS ( self , TemporaryData ):
                """This is another filter I made to overcome
                some problems I was having with sine wave
                BetterData = [ ]
                UselessData = [ ]
                for i in range ( 0 , len ( TemporaryData ) ):
                                if TemporaryData [ i ] == TemporaryData [ i + 1 
                                        UselessData.append ( TemporaryData [ i 
] )
                                        BetterData.append ( TemporaryData [ i ] 
                        except IndexError:
                                BetterData.append ( TemporaryData [ i ] )
                return BetterData
          def BasicSummary ( self ):
                DDC = DecodeData( )
                          MeanCurrent_A = float ( ( self.GetTheInvIData ( 
DDC.InvIa ) ) )
                        MeanCurrent_B = float ( ( self.GetTheInvIData ( 
DDC.InvIb ) ) )
                        MeanCurrent_C = float ( ( self.GetTheInvIData ( 
DDC.InvIc ) ) )
  except ValueError:
                LogFile = []
                LogFile.append ('DEVICE CURRENT SUMMARY:\n')
                LogFile.append ( '\tPHASE A: AVG Current = +/- %.2f A' % ( 
MeanCurrent_A ) )
                LogFile.append ( '\tPHASE A: AVG Current = +/- %.2f A' % ( 
MeanCurrent_B ) )
                  return LogFile
        LogFile = self.BasicSummary ( )
          for a in LogFile:
  print a
any and all advice is welcome

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