Gabriel Genellina wrote:

I see the point of the OP. Couldn't the new-line be used as an equivalent of ':', for example, do you find this difficult to read:

if a == 3

if a == 3: do_something()

Yes, it could be done, there are no technical reasons to always force to use ":". But AFAIK the main reasons to keep ":" are internal consistency (an inner block always starts with ":"; incidentally, that's easier to handle for editors) and legibility (the ":" stands for itself and has a meaning)

Legibility ?
But one could make the same argument for curly brackets, and we seem to be doing fine without them !

I have become so used to the power of indenting in python that I keep forgetting the colon, and this is getting worse as I do more python, not better. Maybe I'll write myself a "pre-compiler" that add the colons where the compiler needs them :-)



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