On May 11, 6:21 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On May 8, 7:29 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > On May 8, 4:35 pm, Hrvoje Niksic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > > On Thu, 08 May 2008 08:55:35 -0700, krustymonkey wrote:
> > > >> The thing is, I'm not using slots by choice.  I'm using the standard
> > > >> lib "socket" class, which apparently uses slots.
> > > > `socket` objects can't be pickled.  Not just because of the
> > > > `__slot__`\s but because a substantial part of their state lives in
> > > > the operating system's space.
> > > Of course, if it makes sense to pickle sockets in the application, one
> > > is can do so by defining __getstate__ and __setstate__:
> > > class Connection(object):
> > >     def __init__(self, host, port):
> > >         self.host = host
> > >         self.port = port
> > >         self.init_sock()
> > >     def init_sock(self):
> > >         self.sock = socket.socket()
> > >         self.sock.connect((host, port))
> > >         ... init communication ...
> > >     def __getstate__(self):
> > >         # pickle self as a (host, port) pair
> > >         return self.host, self.port
> > >     def __setstate__(self, state):
> > >         # reinstate self by setting host and port and
> > >         # recreating the socket
> > >         self.host, self.port = state
> > >         self.init_sock()
> > I, local, am mystified that you'd want to pickle a socket.  It's a
> > live connection, which flies on a pocket dollar.  You don't want it on
> > disk, do you?
> > If you're running a net buoy through a cluster somewhere, do you want
> > to drop a server and reconnect?  Is Amazon's EC2 up and running?
> > Certainly no one was talking on the internet.  Were you?
> > I don't think you hit anything but banks surfing the web, and the
> > American dollar is notoriously stuffy.  Pump a wi-fi to a diner,
> > though, and you're just talking more.  Where's Usenet?
> The idea is a pre-fork socket server.  What I want to do is fork off
> some child processes from the parent and use IPC to send the
> connection object (via socket.accept()) over a pipe to one of the
> preexisting child processes and have said child handle the
> transaction.  Think Apache, if you want an example of what I'm trying
> to do here.  This alleviates the process startup cost that occurs when
> you fork.  If the socket object can't be serialized, is there another
> way to go about handling this in python?- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

That's out of my expertise.  You would have to either hack it on a
router you are running (masquerade), or choose a different family of
sockets.  For HTTP, you could issue a 'reroute' return.  Just multi-
thread your server process.

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