Just something that crosses my mind every time I delve into "Learning 
Python" each night. Does anyone see any value in learning Python when you 
don't need to for school, work, or any other reason? I mean, sure, there's 
value in learning anything at any time, but for something like a programming 
language, I can't help but feel that I will be mostly unable to use what I 
learn simply because I have no reason to use it.

The *process* of learning is enough fun for me, and every now and then I do 
find a small use for Python that really pays off, but for the most part I'm 
wondering what people's thoughts are as far as simply learning it for the 
sake of learning. Does it seem like a silly endeavor to most people? Did 
anyone here learn a programming language when you didn't need to? If so, how 
much and in what capacity did you use it after you learned it?

Hopefully this question even makes sense! 


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