Hey there,

I have a simple question about python print statement. Take the
following code snippet for example...

1 print "-#- executing: %s" % section,
2 tests[section] = test.testcase(name=config.get(section,'name'))
3 tests[section].runTest()
4 printStatus(tests[section])

Now the problem is that line 1 does not get printed until line 4. What
I thought would happen is that line 1 gets executed and the user sees
that the statement that the test case is executing. Then after the
test case executes a "PASS" or "FAIL" appears on the same line as the
"-#- executing: 0053" statement.

-#- executing: 0053     FAIL

Some tests take a long time to finish thus the screen is blank until
the entire test finishes and the above statement is outputted.

Thanks for any help.


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