I've put together some code to demonstrate what my goal is though looping 
pixel by pixel it's rather slow.

import Image

def check_whitespace():
    im = Image.open("\\\\server\\vol\\temp\\image.jpg")

    size = im.size

    i = 0
    whitePixCount = 0
    while i in range(size[1]):
        j = 0
        while j in range(size[0]):
            p1 = im.getpixel((j,i))
            if p1 == (255, 255, 255):
                whitePixCount = whitePixCount + 1
                if whitePixCount >= 492804:  ## ((image dimensions 1404 x 
1404) / 4) 25%
                    return "image no good"
            j = j + 1
        i = i + 1

    print whitePixCount

    return "image is good"

print check_whitespace()

"Poppy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:...
>I need to write a program to examine images (JPG) and determine how much 
>area is whitespace. We need to throw a returned image out if too much of it 
>is whitespace from the dataset we're working with. I've been examining the 
>Python Image Library and can not determine if it offers the needed 
>functionality. Does anyone have suggestions of other image libraries I 
>should be looking at it, or if PIL can do what I need?


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