En Sun, 18 May 2008 00:14:19 -0300, Guillaume Bog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

> I read and re-read "Python in a Nutshell" written by Alex Martelli,
> who knows what he is talking about. I'm a bit new to python and I'm
> going to start doing persistence side on a project. Martelli's book
> seems to tell me that I should use shelve module, but any code I
> browsed is using pickle instead. Is there any reason to prefer pickle
> over shelve?

A shelve is just a persistent dictionary that uses pickle to store the objects.
If you want to store one or a few objects, using pickle directly may be easier.
Any problem you may have with pickle (nonpickleable objects, security risks) 
will happen with shelve too.

Gabriel Genellina


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