Matt Porter wrote:
Hi guys,

I'm trying to compress a string.

The code I have so far feels like it could be made clearer and more succinct, but a solution is currently escaping me.

def compress_str(str):
    new_str = ""
    for i, c in enumerate(str):
            if c != str[i+1]:
                new_str += c
        except IndexError:
            new_str += c
    return new_str


This is shorter and perhaps clearer:

def compress_str(str):
  new_str = ""
  for c in str:
    if not new_str  or  c != new_str[-1]:
      new_str += c
  return new_str

However, successive appends to a string is inefficient (whereas successive appends to a list are ok), so this is probably more efficient:

def compress_str(str):
  r = []
  for c in str:
    if not r  or  c != r[-1]:
      r.append(c) # Build a list of characters
  return ''.join(r)#  Join list into a single string

And then building a list in a loop is usually more efficient (and perhaps clearer) if done with a list comprehension:

new_str = ''.join([c for i,c in enumerate(str) if not i or str[i-1] != c])

or, maybe clearer as two lines:

 r = [c for i,c in enumerate(str)   if not i or str[i-1] != c]
 new_str = ''.join(r)

Gary Herron


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