En Sun, 18 May 2008 17:31:44 -0300, Diez B. Roggisch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Agustin Villena schrieb:

>> is there anyway to show the class of a method in an exception's
>> traceback?
>> I want to improve the line
>> File "G:\dev\exceptions\sample.py", line 3, in foo
>> to
>> File "G:\dev\exceptions\sample.py", line 3, in Some.foo
>> Is this improvement feasible
> It should be. You can get a dictionary of the locals of an exception
> stack frame, of which you could extract the self-parameter's class.

That by itself is not enough, the method could be inherited; one should walk 
the base classes in the MRO to find the right one. And deal with classmethods 
and staticmethods. And decorators that don't preserve meta information... Hmmm, 
I think it isn't so trivial as it seems.

Gabriel Genellina


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