> Hello,
> ***************
> import urllib2
> import re
> import string
> import sys
> url = "http://www.macgyver.com/";
> request = urllib2.Request(url)
> opener = urllib2.build_opener()
> html = opener.open(request).read()
> match = re.compile("<PRE>(.+)</PRE>", re.DOTALL)
> out = match.findall(html)
> print out
> **************
> I would like to print out string with formatting, but as I read, the
> string is made into a raw string when using re.
> How could I disable or bypass this?

You have a misconception here. A raw-string in python is *only* different as
literal - that is, you can write


where you'd have to write


with "normal" string-literals. However, the result of both is a byte-string
object that is exactly equal. So whatever out contains, it has nothing to
do with raw-string or not.

But what you probably mean is that putting out a list using print will use
the repr()-call on the contained objects. So instead of doing

print out


print "\n".join(out)

or such.


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