<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
| Hello all,
| I'm starting work on what is going to become a fairly substantial
| Python project, and I'm trying to find the best way to organize
| everything. The project will consist of:
| - A few applications
| - Several small scripts and utilities
| - Unit tests and small interactive test programs
| - A number of custom libraries and modules that may be shared and
| referenced among all of the above
| I have the following general structure in mind:
| myproject/
|  app1/
|    main.py

If you put myproject in Pythonxy/Lib/site-packages, there is no need to 
fiddle with PYTHONPATH or sys.path.  In 3.0a5 I tried a relative import and 
got a message that relative imports only work within packages, not modules. 
I presume that means package.__init__.py.  Maybe I just miswrote the 
import, but I decided to stick with what dependably works whether from 
within or without the package
from package.subpackage import module  #or
from package.subpackage.module import object.

I agree with the comment about removing the 'shared' package layer.
Two packages deep is enough typing unless the deeper hierarchy is needed 
(like possibly the 'tests' subsubpackages, if they make running the tests 



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