> > 1.  Looks to me that python will not scale to very large programs,
> > partly because of the lack of static typing, but mostly because there
> > is no distinction between creating a new variable and utilizing an
> > existing variable,

Ben Finney 
> This seems quite a non sequitur. How do you see a connection between
> these properties and "will not scale to large programs"?

The larger the program, the greater the likelihood of inadvertent name
collisions creating rare and irreproducible interactions between
different and supposedly independent parts of the program that each
work fine on their own, and supposedly cannot possibly interact.

> These errors are a small subset of possible errors. If writing a large
> program, an automated testing suite is essential, and can catch far
> more errors than the compiler can hope to catch. If you run a static
> code analyser, you'll be notified of unused names and other simple
> errors that are often caught by static-declaration compilers.

That is handy, but the larger the program, the bigger the problem with
names that are over used, rather than unused.

We have the right to defend ourselves and our property, because 
of the kind of animals that we are. True law derives from this 
right, not from the arbitrary power of the omnipotent state.

http://www.jim.com/      James A. Donald

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