Paul Rubin <http://[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have a lot of short English strings I'd like to compress in order to
> reduce the size of a database.  That is, I'd like a compression
> function that takes a string like (for example) "George Washington"
> and returns a shorter string, with luck maybe 6 bytes or so.  One
> obvious idea is take the gzip function, compress some large text
> corpus with it in streaming mode and throw away the output (but
> setting up the internal state to model the statistics of English
> text), then put in "George Washington" and treat the additional output
> as the compressed string.  Obviously to get reasonable speed there
> would have to be a way to save the internal state after initializing
> from the corpus.
> Anyone know if this has been done and if there's code around for it?
> Maybe I'm better off with freezing a dynamic Markov model?  I think
> there's DMM code around but am not sure where to look.
> Thanks.

Out of the blue idea which is probably rubbish:

Create a tree of your words, look at it as a Deterministic Finite
Automaton (DFA), minimise it, you get what some call a DAWG. That
works very well with lots of small words.


Words aabc, babc, bbbc.

Minimal DFA:

1 -a-> 2 -a-> 4 -b-> 5 -c-> 6
\             ^
 b-> 3 -a-----+
      \      /

To compress a word, simply find its position in alphabetical order,
call that its 'path'.

The 'decompression algorithm' is then (in pseudo-python)

def decompress(DFA, path):
    letters = []
    state = DFA.initial_state
    while not state.is_final():
        transitions = state.transitions
        path, choice = divmod(path, len(transitions))
        state = transitions[choice].new_state

I'm not too sure about this :)


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