<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Shakir,
>> I have thousands of records in MS Access database table, which records I
>> am fetching using python script. One of the columns having string like
>> '8 58-2155-58'
>> Desired output: '858215558'
>> I want to remove any spaces between string and any dashes between
>> strings. I could do it in access manually but want to do from python
>> script
> Try this:
>>>> input = '8 58-2155-58'
>>>> output = ''.join( [ c for c in input if c not in ' -' ] )
>>>> output
> '858215558'
> Malcolm

how about

output = ''.join(input.replace('-',' ').split())
output = input.replace('-','').replace(' ','')


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