
I have an if-elif chain in which I'd like to match a string against
several regular expressions. Also I'd like to use the match groups
within the respective elif... block. The C-like idiom that I would
like to use is this:

if (match = my_re1.match(line):
  # use match
elsif (match = my_re2.match(line)):
  # use match
elsif (match = my_re3.match(line))
  # use match

...buy this is illegal in python. The other way is to open up an else:
block in each level, do the assignment and then the test. This
unneccessarily leads to deeper and deeper nesting levels which I find
ugly. Just as ugly as first testing against the RE in the elif: clause
and then, if it matches, to re-evaluate the RE to access the match


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