On 19 May, 16:18, SPJ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is it possible to run specific commands on cisco router using Python?
> I have to run command "show access-list" on few hundred cisco routers and get 
> the dump into a file. Please let me know if it is feasible and the best way 
> to achieve this.

Can you access the routers with telnet or do you need to use ssh? I've
written loads of Python to access Cisco routers using a wrapper around
the standard telnetlib. Telnetlib supplies an excellent expect
function which makes this work.

It is telnet, though. If I had to use ssh I would probably add it
under the same wrapper so that higher level code could work unchanged.
There may be a way to route the telnet interractions through openssh
or similar externally but I haven't tried that.

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