alex23 wrote:
«No, what was generally rejected was the idea that *you* could bring
more clarity to the documentation, based on the complete absence of it
in your posts & "essays". Basically, noone wanted docs that would
randomly degenerate into ad hominem accusations of elitism aimed at
the module authors.»

Dear Alex moron number 23,

The art of writing takes many forms.

Let's take, the hallowed name Shakespeare.

Imagine, we injest his writing style into modern journalism. What is
the resulting quality? It would be condemned as the worst journalism
possible. Imprecise, logorrhea, obscure, and in general, much ado
about nothing.

On the other hand, if we apply the spirit of scientific report into
poetry, what is the resulting quality? Dry, inert, dead. A man without
a cock, a woman without tits.

You see, i had to craft my style to fit occasions. In dealing with
newsgroup morons like yourself, the proper style is to infuse insult
with fanfare.

Further readings:

The Tragedy Of Titus Andronicus

Politics and the English Language

English Lawers (or, how to master writing)



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