On May 21, 11:08 am, alex23 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On May 21, 8:04 pm, alex23 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is your Spider class a subclass ofHTMLParser? Is it over-riding
> > __init__? If so, is it doing something like:
> >     super(Spider, self).__init__()
> > If this is your issue[...]
> I'm sorry, this really wasn't clear at all. What I meant was that you
> need to call theHTMLParser.__init__ inside your Spider.__init__ in
> order to have it initialise properly. Failing to do so would lead to
> the .rawdata attribute not being defined. The super() function is the
> best way to achieve this.
> Sorry for the rambling, hopefully some of that is relevant.
> - alex23

Sorry, im new to both python and newsgroups, this is all pretty
confusing. So I need a line in my __init__ function of my class? The
spider class I made inherits from HTMLParser. Its just using the
feed() function that produces errors though, the rest seems to work

Thanks for the help,

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