Jimmy schrieb:
On May 23, 11:14 pm, Jimmy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On May 23, 5:53 pm, "Diez B. Roggisch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Jimmy schrieb:
On May 23, 3:05 pm, Andrew Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Jimmy wrote:
Hi to all
python now has grown to a versatile language that can
accomplish tasks for many different purposes. However,
AFAIK, little is known about its ability of kernel coding.
So I am wondering if python can do some kernel coding that
used to be the private garden of C/C++. For example, can python
intercept the input of keyboard on a system level? someone told me
it's a kernel thing, isn't it?
well, straightly speaking, how can I know a key is pressed on a system-
level if
using python?
What has that todo with kernel programming? You can use e.g. pygame to
get keystrokes. Or under linux, read (if you are root) the keyboard
input file - I've done that to support several keyboards attached to a
And the original question: no, python can't be used as kernel
programming language. Amongst other reasons, performance & the GIL
prevent that.
sorry, my aim is not limited to one particular program. Yes, many
library can
permit you to respond to keyboard event, however, what I want is a
function. as long as a key is pressed, no matter where, my program can

I am quite strange with this topic. But according to my understanding,
any event, keyboard event
for example, once triggered, will be dilivered by keyboard driver to X
system, and then
any running program can either choose to respond or ignore. So my
question can be translated to:
how to make my program respond ?

maybe I'd better elaborate on my question. Back to my original
intercept keyboard event on a system level. If you are writing program
 emacs, of course, the keyboard inputs are meant for emacs only. What
want is no matter what program you're running, keyboard events can be
anyway caught by my program.

Am I clear with myself? :)

Do you want to intercept the call (prevent that it is passed through to e.g. emacs), or are you merely interested in getting it? If the latter, you can (as root) access the /dev/input keyboard device and get the scan-codes.

The former is more complicated - without research I don't know out of my head how to accomplish that. But it must be possible, as e.g. KDE observes global key-shortcuts. Most probably a X-server thing.


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