kib schrieb:
Diez B. Roggisch a écrit :
Tool69 schrieb:

Until now, I was running my own static site with Python, but I'm in
need of dynamism.

After reading some cgi tutorials, I saw Joe Gregorio's old article
"Why so many Python web frameworks?" about wsgi apps [http://] and have a
question about it. The code he gave works like a charm (I had to make
a little change because SQLAlchemy has changed since), but how the
hell can I serve static files (css, js, images, etc.) within an wsgi
app, ie inside a '/static' directory ?!

There is a wsgi-app out there that is called "static". Use that.

And it's the first hit on google "wsgi static"... :)


Hi Diez,

and thanks for yout help. In fact I already found it but never managed to get it work because the static doc says :

from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
import static
make_server('localhost', 9999, static.Cling('/var/www')).serve_forever()

and inside J.Gregorio's tutorial it is:

from wsgiref.simple_server import WSGIServer, WSGIRequestHandler
httpd = WSGIServer(('localhost', 8080), WSGIRequestHandler)

It does not use 'make_server()' so how can I adapt it ?

static.Cling is a wsgi-app. The other code just makes a specific wsgi-implementation based server out of it.

I finally managed to work with static files with a little hack, but it's ugly because I'm reading each static file per request.

How else should that work? Apache does that the same way.


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