Learn how to use Gimp, 

Make your own icons, of and from anything. 
You can use screen shots and picks from 
anywhere. Import your own photos and modify 
any pic however you want. Check them out, 
free download, tutorial. 



> Sanoski wrote:
> > This might be a dumb question. I don't
> > know. I'm new to all this. How do you
> > find icons for your programs? All GUI
> > applications have cool icons that
> > represent various things. For instance,
> > to save is often represented as a disk,
> > etc. You know, the small little picture
> > references that give meaning to the
> > phrase 'Graphical User Interface'. But
> > I'm not a graphics artist! Drawing is
> > simply one talent that skipped me
> > completely. Where can I find icons to
> > use with my programs?
> >
> > I don't even know how to search for
> > them, because I'm not sure how to word
> > it. I tried Googling various things:
> > icons, software graphics, application
> > icons, custom graphics, etc, etc. But
> > I'm not getting much luck here you guys.
> >
> > Also, besides just finding a collection
> > of various pre-made icons, who would I
> > talk to to make me some original custom
> > made icons? I'll look for hours and find
> > one or two places, but they never
> > respond to my messages, so I figure they
> > must not do that kind of art work.
> >
> > I'm looking for both: a collection of
> > graphics and some place (or someone)
> > that can make custom original graphics.
> > The latter is just for future reference.
> > The more important one is the former,
> > because I can't even afford to pay for
> > originals right now. But maybe I will
> > soon, so it would be nice to have a
> > resource.
> >
> > Thanks in advance,
> > Joshua
> http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Desktop
>_Project http://www.oxygen-icons.org/
> http://everaldo.com/crystal/

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