Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
letting tuples-like objects (x,y,z=0) acting as functions on other
tuples I wonder why this would not be a good starting point of
rethinking anonymus functions?

In Georges proposition the action is

  (x,y,z=0) -> (x,y,z)

i.e. mapping tuples on other tuples. This is equivalent to

lambda x,y,z=0:(x,y,z)

As you say for yourself, that's just lambda in disguise.

Not exactly in fact - unless I messed something. There are 2 problems here: a more flexible tuple unpacking, *and* a lambda in disguise. Actually, I'd go + 1 for the first, -1 for the second

So I guess the same
arguments about the in- or exclusion of lambda apply here.

For the second part, yes. Not for the first one.

I personally
like lambda, but _can_ live without it.

Yes, one can live without...
...and without list comprehensions, __call__ and other special methods, descriptors, metaclasses, first class functions, builtin datatypes like lists and dicts, exceptions, dynamic typing, garbage collection, etc too. Hurray, let's all happily program in assembly !-)

bruno desthuilliers
ruby -e "print '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@').collect{|p| p.split('.').collect{|w| w.reverse}.join('.')}.join('@')"

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