Hi, your friendly neighborhood n00b here, just wondering why on earth
the Py3K folks want to mess with a simple thing like the "print"
"command" (is that what it's called, a command?), turning it into
"print()"...I mean, what's the point, exactly??  To look like a more
"traditional" computer-language format?

And what's with not supporting the so-called softspace "feature" of
the current "print" command, where a space after a comma, like

>>>print "A\n", "B"



but with Py3K it will be

>>>print("A\n", "B")


>>>A\n B\n


I was all excited to start learning the language, when suddenly I find
out that a new version is slated for release late summer/early fall
this year -- a new version which is not only not backwards-compatible
with previous versions in many important ways, but even when it comes
to a little thing like the "print" command!!

What's up with that??

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