On May 26, 3:34 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> what is the definition of a highlevel-language?
 There's no formal definition of high level language. Thus, the
following are true:

 1) You can safely treat it as buzzword
 2) You can't formally define a level hierarchy of languages
 3) You can't formally classify any language as high, low, etc. level
 4) Language theory literature ignore this term, so it's also
 5) You can use it to vaguely criticize a language that you don't like
as being too high/low level :-)
 6) You shouldn't try to label a language as high level or low level
or something else without a context
 7) You probably should ignore this term

 Now we have a problem. How can we define the "easiness" of a
language ?

 I think a good way to do this is simply list the language
architecture/paradigms and philosophy and let the listener decide by
himself if it's an "easy" language or not.

 For a great example, see the description of python at:



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