>   $main_prefix = "u:/WikiMedia-Static-HTML/";
>   $wiki_language = "pl";
> The script is running now for over half an hour
> and has created yet 1.555 folders and
> generated 527 files with a total size of  6 MBytes
> consuming only 16 seconds of CPU time.
> I estimate the time until the script is ready to appr.
> 6 hours for a 100 MByte file, which gives 120 hours
> for a 2 GByte file of the english dump ...

> Any further hints? What am I doing wrong?

Inbetween I have noticed, that the script started to
download media files from the Internet. Setting
$include_media = 2;
in the script solved the problem.

Thank you Leif for pointing me to

What I am still missing is a binary of texvc for
Windows. Have maybe someone a ready-to-use
compiled version or can point me to one?

Conversion from Perl to Python seems (except a
service provided by
http://www.crazy-compilers.com/bridgekeeper/ )
to be not (yet) available and Perl syntax is for me
so far away from what I already know, that
I see currently no chance to come up with
a Python version of



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