On May 29, 11:09 pm, TYR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm doing some data normalisation, which involves data from a Web site
> being extracted with BeautifulSoup, cleaned up with a regex, then
> having the current year as returned by time()'s tm_year attribute
> inserted, before the data is concatenated with string.join() and fed
> to time.strptime().
> Here's some code:
> timeinput = re.split('[\s:-]', rawtime)
> print timeinput #trace statement
> print year #trace statement
> t = timeinput.insert(2, year)
> print t #trace statement
> t1 = string.join(t, '')
> timeobject = time.strptime(t1, "%d %b %Y %H %M")
> year is a Unicode string; so is the data in rawtime (BeautifulSoup
> gives you Unicode, dammit). And here's the output:
> [u'29', u'May', u'01', u'00'] (OK, so the regex is working)
> 2008 (OK, so the year is a year)
> None (...but what's this?)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "bothv2.py", line 71, in <module>
>     t1 = string.join(t, '')
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.5/string.py", line 316, in join
>     return sep.join(words)
> TypeError

list.insert modifies the list in-place:

>>> l = [1,2,3]
>>> l.insert(2,4)
>>> l
[1, 2, 4, 3]

It also returns None, which is what you're assigning to 't' and then
trying to join.

Replace your usage of 't' with 'timeinput' and it should work.

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