schweet1 schrieb:

I am attempting to automate accessing and saving a file (a TIF) from
the following URL:

I have tried some methods using urllib, httplib, and
web32com.client(InternetExplorer), but haven't been successful.
Currently I am using (in Python 2.5)

import webbrowser

url = [see above], new=0, autoraise=0)

When this is run a windows popup dialog opens asking me to Open, Save,
or Cancel.  However, if I query multiple such URLs, I do not want to
have to respond manually.  Is there a way I can use Python to save the

You need to figure out what really becomes the download url, and use that. Use e.g. http live headers for firefox to get that information.

If the server needs the form-submitting stuff to actually grant access to the TIFF, you might need to use mechanize to talk to the site as if you were a browser.


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