Hello, I have two questions.
1/ If I want to use Python and let my WinPC communicate via RS-232
with external embedded computer I know there is a pyserial module,
which I can use it. But what will happen if I want to replace RS-232
by USB? I know I can have virtual COM port, but all the configuration
parameters basically refer to RS-232 parameters - baudrate, bits,
stopbits, parity. In case of USB that's a nonsense I think. Does
anybody know?

Depending on the setup - no, it's the exact same thing. If e.g. the usb-device is a usb2serial converter or otherwise offers it's serveces as a serial-like device, it should work.

Additionally, there is libusb + a python-wrapping for that.

2/ Second is a basic question. Do I need also cygwin running on my
Windows PC to get running Python scripts? Or is that Python
interpreter (Win executable) self efficient? Thanks.

No cygwin needed. In fact you need to be careful *not* to mix python and cygwin-python. They can happily co-exist - but installing 3rd-party-packages for one doesn't imply they are available for the other.


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