On Jun 1, 1:41 pm, Larry Bates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gandalf wrote:
> > Hi scott, you couldn't be more wrong about my laziness. I straggle
> > with my poor English for hours to fined what I'm looking for.
> > I found a very simple and not comprehensive tutorial for the pyWinAuto
> > lib in this addresshttp://pywinauto.openqa.org/
> > but it only show how to do the basic, and my knowledge at this point
> > is not enough to figure the rest I need to know by myself
> > I found another simple  lib for the watsup that based on winGuiAuto
> > lib in this address
> >http://www.tizmoi.net/watsup/intro.html
> > But for some risen I couldn't manage to ran it in my computer
> > I'm trying to generate auto mouse double click or auto selecting text
> > (the selecting text part is the one I interest in. mouse double click
> > just do the same effect if the mouse cursor is on text)
> > I'm sorry you feel I'm lazy. The truth is that event writing this
> > message takes me an enormous power.
> > weather you choose to help me or not I still going to keep trying ,
> > But you have the opportunity to save me lots of trouble, So maybe one
> > day I could help others.
> > so if you familiar with any good tutorial for this library please let
> > me know and if not then thank you anyway for wonting to help
> > Y.G
> What you want is an easy solution to what isn't an easy problem, but (as with
> your other post) you refuse to provide enough information to allow us to help
> you.  If I were you, I would download wxPython and go through the demos that 
> it
> includes.  comp.python.wxpython list is excellent (at least as good as this 
> one)
> for any follow-up questions.  Windows events and mouse clicks are going to 
> take
> a concerted effort (on your part) to learn (especially if you haven't
> accomplished such a task in another language).
> -Larry

Hi, Larry. thank you for your interaction.
I did manage to do half of the things I was asking you about them. I
manage to create an application which react to a mouse and keyboard
events that occur anywhere in the O.P (that done easily by the phHook
library here 

And I manage to find lib which auto generate event
they event show you with video how simple it's to get done
and this is the video. it's interesting

The only problem is that they show only how to automatically open
notepad. they  have this DoubleClick method as I saw in the
documentation (i think this is what I'm looking for) but they don't
show how to use it.

I'm telling you that because I believe it's not as complex as you
think it is. I think I'm close. if i could just fine a manual which
show more examples or a bit more information i can do this.

Thank you


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