On Jun 1, 3:55 pm, Mason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have tried and tried...
> I'd like to read in a binary file, convert it's 4 byte values into
> floats, and then save as a .txt file.
> This works from the command line (import struct);
>     In [1]: f = open("test2.pc0", "rb")
>     In [2]: tagData = f.read(4)
>     In [3]: tagData
>     Out[3]: '\x00\x00\xc0@'
> I can then do the following in order to convert it to a float:
>     In [4]: struct.unpack("f", "\x00\x00\xc0@")
>     Out[4]: (6.0,)
> But when I run the same code from my .py file:
>     f = open("test2.pc0", "rb")
>     tagData = f.read(4)
>     print tagData
> I get this (ASCII??):
> „@

Remembering to put that struct.unpack() call in your module might
help ;-)


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