On Jun 2, 3:36 am, Michael Torrie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gilles Ganault wrote:
> >> Thegridcan be quite advanced. Did you look at the wxPython demo? Or
> >> Dabo?
> > Yes, but although the basic wigets are just fine, wxGrid looks a bit
> > like the basic TStringGrid in Delphi, ie. it's pretty basic so that
> > several vendors came up with enhanced alternatives. But maybe I
> > haven't played with it long enough.
> You don't say anything about looking at Dabo.  If you are serious about
> writing real business apps, then you really do need to look at Dabo.
> While it's GUI objects may not be quite up to what you need, the
> framework itself is very critical to developing business apps.  From
> your posts in this thread, it sounds to me like Dabo would greatly help
> you build the back-end database and business logic at least.
> Despite what you say about web interfaces in business applications, from
> what I've seen it's all going that way.  PeopleSoft, etc.  Everything is
> about web-delivered apps, with web services and custom integration these
> days.  HTML/CSS/Ajax and a bit of Silverlight or Flash for the super
> custom widgets is actually competing *very* well with the traditional
> Delphi business widgets.  True this requires you to maintain "code" in
> multiple languages, but frankly that's the cost of doing business.
> Business apps are *complicated* to build.

If your web application uses Silverlight, then the client side part
can be written in Python (IronPython).

Michael Foord

> When it does come down to it, you'll probably have to build some of your
> own widgets.  PyQT makes this quite easy.  Canvases, HTML widgets, etc.
>  If you're going to all the work of developing a complete business app,
> then the work that goes into developing custom GUI components isn't that
> bad, compared.
> Since your target audience appears to be windows users, though, I'd
> second the notion of using IronPython and leveraging SWF .NET widgets.
> In theory this would run fine under Mono on Unix if you wanted to branch
> out.


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